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Shenzhen Fortune International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd
ホーム 製品中国の保税倉庫

Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing

中国 Shenzhen Fortune International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd 認証
中国 Shenzhen Fortune International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd 認証

Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing

Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing
Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing
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大画像 :  Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing

起源の場所: 中国
ブランド名: FORTUNE
最小注文数量: 1CBM
価格: USD0.25 PER CBM
パッケージの詳細: カートンかパレット
受渡し時間: 1つの仕事日
支払条件: T/T
供給の能力: 1日あたりの100000CTNS
交通機関: 利用できる 後方支援: 利用できる
税制優遇策: 免税 サイズ: サイズ
入手の可能性: 高い 時間枠: 8:30 - 18:00
保証: 高い 通関手続き: 利用できる

Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse


Reliable China Bonded Warehouse


Secured bonded warehouse

Product Description:

China Bonded Warehouse is a logistics service designed to provide efficient and secure distribution for businesses in China. With a wide network of bonded warehouses located throughout the country. The service offers a range of value-added services to streamline the logistics process, such as import/export assistance and customized inventory management. With flexible timeframes, businesses can benefit from the secure storage facilities that China Bonded Warehouse provides. 



  • Product Name: China Bonded Warehouse
  • Storage area:80000 s.q.m
  • Accessibility: High
  • Type: Free of tax Warehouse
  • Distribution: Offers efficient and reliable distribution services
  • Warehouse Pick and Pack: Provides streamlined warehouse pick and pack services
  • Logistics Service: Offers comprehensive logistics services


FORTUNE China Bonded Warehouse

FORTUNE China Bonded Warehouse is the perfect solution for businesses looking for a reliable and cost-effective freight forwarding and warehouse pick and pack service. With our wide array of value-added services, including customs clearance and cross-border logistics, we ensure that your goods get delivered on time and at a competitive price. We offer a variety of transportation options, as well as variable timeframe and size options, allowing for a more tailored solution to your individual needs.


Technical Parameters:


Attribute Description
Cost Competitive price
Customs Clearance Available
Storage Capacity Variable
Insurance Available
Security High
Product Name China Bonded Warehouse
Value-Added Services Available
Distribution Available
Warehouse Pick and Pack Available
Freight Forwarding Available




China Bonded Warehouse from FORTUNE offers many benefits. It is situated in Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Hongkong,Shanghai and Jiangsu of China, and provides a secure environment. 

Warehouse pick and pack services are available with China Bonded Warehouse, so you can rest assured that your goods are safely stored and easily accessible. Security is of the highest level, so your products are completely safe while in the bonded warehouse.

Choose FORTUNE's China Bonded Warehouse for your storage needs. With its unbeatable combination of convenience, security, and cost, it's the perfect solution for your warehouse pick and pack needs.

Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing 0Low Cost China Bonded Warehouse Reliable Secured Warehousing 1


Shenzhen Fortune International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd

コンタクトパーソン: Mr. Ivan

電話番号: +8613760142710

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