Product Details:
Payment & Shipping Terms:
Land Transportation: | Transport Between Hong Kong And China And Local Transport | Security: | 7*24 Hours Monitoring |
FCL: | Available | Logistics Support: | International Logistics,Bonded Warehouse,distribution Center |
LCL: | Available | Insurance: | Available |
Cost: | Negotiable Price | Inventory Tracking: | Real-time By WMS System |
Highlight: | Import Priority Bonded Warehouse,Export Priority Bonded Warehouse,Warehouse Cargo Delivery Service |
FORTUNE Customs Bonded Warehouses offer a convenient way to store goods in a secure environment. With the aid of these warehouses, goods can be shipped via air, sea, or other means without having to deal with the complex customs clearance process. We provide a high level of risk management, allowing goods to be stored safely and securely, with no risk of theft or damage. Furthermore, goods stored in these warehouses are exempt from import taxes. This makes them an ideal choice for businesses that need to transport goods quickly and without the burden of paying expensive taxes. FORTUNE Customs Bonded Warehouses provide reliable export customs clearance services, allowing goods to be shipped in FCL or LCL containers. We also offer a convenient air shipment option, ensuring goods reach their destination quickly and safely.
Logistics Support | International Logistics, Bonded Warehouse, Distribution Center |
Import taxes | Free Of Tax |
International transit cargo | From all over the world |
Customs Clearance | Import And Export |
Land transportation | Transport Between Hong Kong And China And Local Transport |
Air shipment: | From Hongkong airport,Shenzhen airport,Guangzhou airport,Shanghai airport |
Return of export goods | Available |
Split shipment | Acceptable |
LCL | Available |
FCL | Available |
Contact Person: Mr. Ivan
Tel: +8613760142710